All 50 US states have now at least partially reopened after Massachusetts and Connecticut lifted some coronavirus lockdown measures this week.Connecticut started lifting some restrictions on Wednesday in the first phase of Governor Ned Lamont's plan to reopen the state.The state will allow the reopening of outdoor dining areas, offices, retail shops and malls, museums…
coronavirus-related deaths on Sunday, bringing the statewide death toll to 5,797 since the pandemic began.Health officials also confirmed 1,077 new cases of the virus, for a total of now 86,010 across Massachusetts.There have now been 460,826 coronavirus tests carried out by state and commercial labs, the data shows. Roughly 3% of those who are currently…
Massachusetts today reported 3,079 new Covid-19 cases, the largest number since the state began testing in March - and far more than the 1,745 cases reported just the day before. There were fewer reported deaths than the day before, but in both cases the numbers were higher than at the beginning of the month. The…
Massachusetts releases new town-by-town coronavirus infection data 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Mobile users: click here to see a graphical look at the data. The Massachusetts Department of Health began releasing a public breakdown of town-by-town coronavirus infection data in mid-April.The town-by-town data, which reflects case information from the start of the outbreak to the Tuesday before the data is…
Massachusetts's death toll is expected to surpass 2,000 this week, doubling in less than a week. Image: ReutersMassachusetts has become a hotspot of coronavirus infections, drawing the concern of federal officials and promises of aid from hard-hit New York.The state's death toll is expected to surpass 2,000 this week, doubling in less than a week.…
Kataza the baboon. Facebook / Baboon Matters The City of Cape Town has asked the public not to feed a baboon that has relocated to Tokai. The baboon, known as Kataza or SK11, is slowly being integrated into the Tokai troop. Video footage, however, shows humans feeding Kataza. The City of Cape Town has requested that Kataza…
As SA Rugby moves to determine which franchises will go to Europe in future, Rassie Erasmus has noted several potential benefits for the local game should that route be followed.The national director of rugby believes the high world rankings of Wales, Ireland and Scotland mean PRO Rugby is competitive and that fans will eventually identify…
(John Finney Photography/Moment/Getty Images) An abnormally bad season of weather may have had a significant impact on the death toll from both World War I and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to new research, with many more lives being lost due to torrential rain and plummeting temperatures. Through a detailed analysis of an ice…