Subscribers are able to read and post comments on News24 articles.
After weeks and months of preparations, the day has finally arrived. News24’s digital subscriptions are live.
You can now become a subscriber to get unlimited access to the best of News24’s journalism, including investigative reporting, opinions, analysis, podcasts and more. You will also be able to read City Press, as well as YOU, Drum and True Love magazines. Top stories from all these publications will be available on the ‘Subscribers’ page first thing in the morning.
The usual up-to-the-minute current affairs, crime, sport, business and entertainment news is still available to read for free. Subscriber-exclusive articles are marked with a red tag.
Users of News24’s iPhone app who don’t see anything different – don’t stress. It takes time for the app store to deliver the new version of the app to everyone’s phones. You should have an updated version by the end of the day. This is unfortunately out of our control.
Android app users and readers on News24’s web and mobile sites will see the exciting changes we’ve made immediately. Look for the bright red button and hit ‘Subscribe’.
Once you’ve subscribed, you will be able to do the following:
Read and post comments on articles
Be part of the conversation. Once you’re signed in with your subscriber account, create a username in your profile. Scroll to the bottom of an article to read and post comments. Look out for comments from users with a ‘Staff’ tag to their names. These are journalists and moderators who want to interact with you.
Listen to articles
Sometimes there is a long feature or investigative piece you want to read, but you simply don’t have time for. As a subscriber, you can listen to an article by clicking on the ‘Listen’ button at the top of the page. A useful tip is to bookmark the articles you want to listen to later, so that you can easily find them all in one place in the ‘Bookmarks’ tab.
Share subscriber-exclusive articles with friends who are not yet subscribers
It’s no fun to have access to the best news insights, podcasts and documentaries, but not be able to share it with your friends. News24 subscribers can share up to five subscriber-exclusive articles with friends every month. Simply click on the red gift box at the top of an article page and you’ll be prompted to enter the email address of the friend you want to send the article to.
Sign up to a range of subscriber-exclusive newsletters
Subscribers will receive a personalised version of our morning newsletter, Good Morning, SA, based on the stories they love to read. In addition to more than 20 available newsletters for registered users, subscribers can choose from a bouquet of exclusive newsletters. They include:
Editor’s Notebook: Get News24 editor Adriaan Basson’s weekly take on the news, first and exclusive in your inbox every Monday morning.
Business Briefing: A deep dive into the big business story of the week, as well as expert analysis of markets and trends.
Bright Spark: Let Parent24 keep you up to date with all the latest information and resources to help your child excel in school.
Subscribers also receive a version of the morning newsletter, Good Morning, SA that is personalised.
In your ‘Profile’, go to ‘My Newsletters’ to see what’s available.
Read the e-editions of City Press and YOU, Drum and True Love magazines
As a paid subscriber you can page through the latest e-editions of YOU, Drum, True Love magazines as well as City Press. To access this feature, please click here.
For the past 22 years we’ve brought you all the big breaking news first. You’ve cheered us on as we published investigative reporting that brought down the likes of the Guptas and the Watsons. And you listened and watched as our podcasts and video documentaries shone a light in the darkest corners of our society. By subscribing, you, our loyal readers are playing a leading role in our efforts to secure the future of trustworthy journalism in South Africa.
At R75 per month, your subscription will ensure that we continue to bring you news you can trust.