Lockdown: 2 NPOs deliver close to R6 million in food aid, soaps and sanitisers
“We have to protect our health workers, they are our frontline workers. When one of them tests positive, we jump quickly and ensure that their families are also protected.
“We want people here to continue taking measures and wear their cloth masks and practice physical distancing. We want to warn our people that the road ahead is very long and [we] mustn’t be complacent as we are approaching winter.
“We are happy that there are those checking various illnesses and there are those getting their flu vaccines, especially elderly, pregnant people and those who tested positive for TB,” said Makhura.
He said flu vaccines were not going to prevent people from contracting the virus, but would assist the vulnerable during winter.
The province had secured 10.4 million personal protective equipment (PPE) units.
“The number is only enough for the phase we are in. As we get to winter, the number of infection is likely to increase. Our health workers will need more PPEs.
“We have ordered 63 million units of PPEs. We are planning ahead. September, which is the expected peak month, is very far. If we take proper steps, we are likely to avoid a catastrophe ahead. We want to avoid losing many lives,” said Makhura.
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