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The better half of the Ohio guy who passed away of coronavirus after dismissing it as a “political plot” pushing “bulls t lockdowns” has actually spoken of her heartbreak that he never lived enough time to alter his mind.

” Words do not start to describe all the emotions we, John W. McDaniel’s family, are experiencing right now,” Lisa McDaniel composed in an open letter to the Marion funeral service home holding her 60- year-old partner’s service.

The grieving wife conceded that her hubby’s “unanticipated and unfortunate loss” was more compounded by the “early assumptions that he specified on Facebook and twitter.”

John W. McDaniel
John W. McDaniel Facebook

” This news has actually opened the flood gates for individuals to share their own misguided anger and unproven assumptions about a man they don’t understand,” she composed.

She was certain that had he lived, he would have disavowed his earlier remarks, in which he also blamed “paranoid” people for the lockdowns that keep everybody else “from living our lives.”


” Lots Of, like John, made statements early on not fully aware of the severity of COVID-19,” his spouse said. “As every day passes, we all are discovering more about this ‘invisible opponent,'” she said.

” We know if John was still here with us he would acknowledge the national crisis we are in, follow the stay-at-home order, and encourage family and friends to do the same,” she firmly insisted.

” However regretfully he is not with us and we will forever need to live and deal with how his life ended far too soon.”

Her note exposed they were independently tape-recording his funeral, instead of livestreaming it as initially planned, to help protect her other half’s “legacy” after the unexpected attention.

” We are overwhelmed with sorrow for the loss of our precious partner, father, quickly to be father-in-law, child, brother, uncle, and dear buddy to numerous,” she wrote.