Mask-wearing became mandatory in cities across Arizona this weekend as the state responded to record-setting cases of COVID-19.

In Maricopa County, the ruling took effect Saturday and called on law enforcement to promote public health practices and warn people about the dangers of not wearing a mask.

According to the county’s order, police can issue a $50 fine to people who refuse to cover their face — but no citations had been issued in the first weekend of enforcement.

More: Maricopa County sends mandate to every resident in the county: Wear a mask no matter what city, town or area you live in

Phoenix police received 18 total calls for service on Saturday and Sunday about people not wearing masks, according to spokeswoman Sgt. Margaret Cox. Police did not issue any citations, she said.

By Sunday morning, Scottsdale police had responded to “a few” calls, spokesman Sgt. Ben Hoster said, but officers responded with education efforts and did not issue any citations, either.

Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office said deputies heard some tips about the ordinance but did not formally cite anyone for not wearing a mask. “Nothing rose to the level of enforcement action,” said spokesman Sgt. Joaquin Enriquez.

The rule took effect shortly after Arizona reported more than 3,200 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day, smashing previous records. By Monday, more than 54,000 people had tested positive for COVID-19 in Arizona and 1,342 had died from the disease.

People in Tempe were required to wear masks beginning Thursday, according to a city ordinance. On the third night of the rule, most bouncers and servers at restaurants along Mill Avenue were wearing masks — but many patrons were not. Some placed their masks on the table or lowered it so that it wasn’t covering their nose or mouth.

Tempe’s city order makes an exception to the mask rule for people eating or drinking, but anyone not seated at a table should wear a face covering.

The sidewalks on Saturday night were largely clear of crowds, and only a few bars and restaurants appeared full. Many young people on scooters or walking in the area were seen without masks.

Tempe police said officers visited one business over the weekend after the owner said people complained about some customers who were not wearing masks.

“Officers educated the business on effective communication regarding the necessity of face masks,” said Detective Natalie Barela, a spokeswoman for the Tempe police. The department made no citations and was not aware of any other complaints, Barela said.

Reach the reporter at [email protected] or on Twitter @helenwieffering.

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