according to a report by NBC News.

Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., has also reported two patients, but it has 15 more children in intensive care with some kind of massive inflammatory response to COVID-19. It’s unclear whether all of those patients indeed have the pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome.

“It may be possible and it may be probable that this is a problem that exists in other states and we want to make sure that they are aware of it,” Cuomo said.

Illness might develop later

The newly identified syndrome appears to be the result of a child’s immune system going into overdrive after a COVID-19 infection. Experts know this can develop up to six weeks after the coronavirus infection even if children who did not know they had COVID-19. We learned last week that some COVID-19 patients were left with heart damage, including some kids.

It’s important to remember, this is very rare and most kids do recover. Doctors say there is no way to know which kids are at risk.

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